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How To: Add New Task Schedules

Learn how to Add your first New Task Schedules into freshOps

Martin Callan avatar
Written by Martin Callan
Updated over a week ago

When entering a New Task Schedule in freshOps, we can actually enter in multiple Tasks schedules at once.


You should have already created a New Client, Site and Visit Schedule, now we move onto creating the Task Schedules for this site.

Today, we just going to focus on some simple task creation.

It’s important here though to understand that we are creating a Task Schedule, so these tasks will re-occur again and again based on the frequency you set here.  

We can add specific Tasks to an upcoming Visit only, but this is done on the specific visits page.

Task Name:

Start by entering the name of a task.  

When we think about Task Names, we encourage you to start with generic tasks. So in the example, we’ve used Rubbish Collection. Now you might call it Empty Bins, Empty Rubbish, this is specific to how you describe the task to your team.

Task Location:

The location can then be used to provide more specific areas on where the bins need to be emptied.

So in the Reception or possibly All Areas, the aim is to instruct someone, who doesn’t know the site well, where they need to perform this task.

So on a big site, you may want to create several Tasks related to Rubbish Collection and call out all the individual locations, so that bins aren’t missed in an area of the office, the cleaner may overlook.

For the time being, we are going to ignore the Task Tags, Instructions, and Task Videos, but you can find more about them with these links.

Task Scheduling:

You can select a multitude of options to schedule the Tasks in.

Add to "All Schedules" or select a "Specific Visit Schedule" or "Multiple Visit Schedules"

Add to "Every" or "First - Fourth and Last" of each period.

Example: Do X on the Last Visit of Every Month

Add to Visits or choose a day of the week.

Add to the Period

Select Verification Type:

By default, the system is set to Mark as Complete, which provides a tick box for the cleaner to tick of work on the freshOps Team App.

For more info on Task Verifications check out this article in our Help Centre.

Notify me if incomplete:

Task completion is mandatory in freshOps. The last thing we want is our team marking things off, just to be able to leave the site.

So if this particular task is super important or critical to the service delivery, select to be alerted, IF the team member, checks out without verifying the task completion.

IMPORTANT: To ensure these notifications are enabled, notification permissions must be enabled in the Notifications Menu.


If you are new to freshOps, we really encourage you to add maybe 3 or 4 tasks schedules, with a range of verification types so you can see how this works, especially if you are simply piloting freshOps in your business.

You then have 3 options:

Firstly selecting Discard, does just that………. It discards all the details you have entered and returns you back to the Dashboard.

Secondly selecting Create with the “Take Me To Allocate an Employee” option marked will create your Task Schedules and takes you to the next step in your setup which is creating your Employee and Allocating them to the site.

Or option three, Unmark the Take Me To Allocate an Employee option and just create the Task Schedules and return to the dashboard.

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