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How to: Add a New Site

Learn how to Add a New Site

Martin Callan avatar
Written by Martin Callan
Updated over a week ago

When entering a New Site in freshOps, we tend to think of the Site as the actual physical location in which you deliver the services. So this tends to be where we capture most of the Information to help your team in the field.


You should have already created a Client, now we move onto creating the Site.

The *required fields here are Site Name, Address and the Timezone.  So if you don’t currently have any Induction Material or don’t have access to the Security Details at this stage that’s ok, we can add them in later.

Site Name:

The Site Name is a name or description we give to a site.

We tend to think of it like this.

When your team says that “Such and Such” needs more Toilet Paper, or can you call the contact at “Such and Such” then this should be how you name your site.

In the video, it’s the JVC Holdings Melbourne Office that we are referring to.

You do have an option to use the “Same as Client Address”. This may be the case if you are only looking after a small business and the client operates out of only one address. So your Client and Site will be one and the same.


All addresses are Google Powered, this is to ensure you are giving your team an address they can actually navigate to. As you type the Address, choose from the addresses Google provides.

We also use the GPS Co-Ordinates collected from the Google Maps listing to validate a team member's location when they are checking in via a freshOps Tag or Verified GPS.

Address Line 2:

If you have a Suite Number, Level Number etc, enter these into Address Line 2, as Google doesn’t always know what to do with these address items if you place them in address line 1.


Select the Timezone in which the physical site resides. You can type to search within this field.

Check-In Type:

By default, all sites are set to Simple Check-In. Select you preferred Check-In Type.

💡 PRO-TIP: If you are new to freshOps and awaiting an order of freshOps Tags, choose Verified GPS. You can always update them to freshOps Tags when they arrive.

For more on the Check-In Types visit our Help Centre.

Secure Site Information

Induction Material:

With freshOps you can upload a PDF up to 10Mb in size as an Induction Document for your team specific to this site.

Our users upload anything from their Clients Health & Safety Inductions to the Scope of Works/Contract to their own PDF Docs.

They’ve created Induction Materials that include things like the Scope of Works, Mud Maps of the site, Photos, After-hours Contact Details, Chemical Safety Data Sheets, Safe Work Method Statements, etc.  

Basically, any information that a team member may require if they get in trouble when out on a site by themselves.

PDF Candy:

If this info is spread across multiple documents, convert them all to PDF, then combine with tools such as

Security Access Details:

Security Access Details Section provides a secure field to enter in Security Details about the site. Details such as Security Codes, Disarming Procedures, Arming Procedures, Light Locations, Cooling & Heating Controls and more. Basically, anything a cleaner needs to know to get in and out of premises.

Accessing this Content from the freshOps Team App

Both the Security Access Details and Site Inductions are only available to a team member who:

You then 3 options:

Firstly selecting Discard, does just that………. It discards all the details you have entered and returns you back to the Dashboard.

Secondly selecting Create with the “Take Me To Create Visits” option marked will create your Site and takes you to the next step in your setup and create a New Visit Schedule for your client

Or option three, Unmark the Take Me to Create Visits option and just create the site and return to the dashboard.

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