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Forcing a Checkout

How to checkout after you've left site. Employees may forget to Checkout onsite, so rather than return to site, they can Force a CheckOut

Martin Callan avatar
Written by Martin Callan
Updated over 3 years ago

We've all done it before. Left the site and then got halfway up the road and realised we didn't check out. So if you or your team need to force a checkout, you can do it from the freshOps Team App.

There is NO need to return to the site. Simply override the application's general checkout workflow with a Forced Checkout.

Forcing A Checkout Manually

Step 1:  Press the 3 Dots in the Top Right of the Shift In-Progress.

Step 2:  Press FORCE CHECK OUT

Step 3: Enter a Cleaning Report like you would as per a Normal Checkout and then Click the Force Check Out Button.

Our Suggestion:

It is our suggestion you enter and report the ACTUAL Time you finished onsite with some details about why you forced a checkout.

Forced Checkout Notification

A forced checkout is not the desired way you, we want you to Check-Out of site. So we, therefore, send the freshOps Account Admin a Forced Checkout Notification to the admin email.

Default Shift Length

Because we can't verify the attendance or actual shift end time when a team member forces a checkout, the shift length defaults to the Scheduled Time.

So regardless of when the Employee Check-Ins and Forces a Checkout, the Shift Length will default to the schedule Shift Length, to ensure that the shift isn't longer than expected.

freshOps Bot

When a Shift has been Force Checked Out, the Cleaning Report will be from the [FRESHOPS BOT] advising that the Employee may have forgotten to checkout and suggesting you contact the Employer to establish the Actual Time.

The team members' Cleaning Report will follow this text. So if the team has followed our suggestion regarding what to leave in the Cleaning Report, then you should be able to quickly Revise the Shift.

Check-Out Reminders

It is easy to forget to Checkout, however, the freshOps mobile apps have 2 reminders.

One based on;

  • The expected finish time

  • and the other if we notice the team member has left the site.

For the later, because the team member will have already left site, the app will default to a Forced Checkout, as the team member is no longer at site when this reminder pops up.

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