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Onboarding Session

Explanation of what our Onboarding Session are and include.

Martin Callan avatar
Written by Martin Callan
Updated over a week ago

Software is generally built to be pretty intuitive, however, there are lots of moving parts, and sometimes, the more assistance you can get on the outset the better.


freshOps Onboarding Sessions are aimed to get you up and running as quickly as possible and ensure you are 100% clear on what is required to get your team set up for success.

So in just under 60min over a Zoom Session we'll;

  • Recap how freshOps works

  • You'll Share you Screen with our Support Team through Zoom

  • We'll then take you through some basic setup

  • If you've already set up some sites, we'll check what you've done

  • We'll Recommend Best Practice for Training your Team

  • We'll Recommend the Best Practice for your Rollout

  • Answer any questions you have

  • Ensure you've ordered some freshOps Tags (If Required)

  • Highlight the different ways you can access Support with our team.

So book your Onboarding Session today, so you guarantee your own success and rollout of freshOps.

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