Once you are all setup with your Xero Integration, you'll tend to only need to access the Timesheets.
Shifts require to approval steps to be past into Xero. The Shift needs an initial Shift Approval followed by an Approval for Payroll. The reasoning with this, is that supervisors should be approving shifts for all team members whether they are a Contractor or Employee. The maybe a Operations Manager/Business owners for example should then Approve the shifts for Payroll, so that they are all set to be sent into Xero.
You should still approve your Teams shifts daily from the freshOps Dashboard.
However, you can also approve employee shifts in Payroll Timesheets.
To approve all shifts for an Employee you can simply select "Approve all shifts"
To approve individual shifts, you can click on the grey section highlighted upon hover of your mouse or click the Actions button and "Show Detailed View"
In the detailed View, you can approve individual shifts.
When you approve a shift from within payroll, you also get the option to leave a comment about this shift. This is particularly handy if the shift was over the scheduled time or grossly under. An explanation ensure that whomever, is approving shifts later for payroll, has a reason why this shift has been approved.
Upon successful approval of the shift it looks like the below, indicating that the shift has been approved and is now ready to be approved for payroll.
If a comment has been left we can see it here too.
UnApprove a Shift
You may need to unapprove a shift and revise the times. This can be done be clicking Actions and Unapprove Shift