On a Site Page you can now find a Specific Task much easier by using our Task Filters and Search.
Type the name of the Task you are looking for in the Task Search in the Visit Schedules Column.
2. freshOps will display all the Tasks that meet your search
Display by:
Task Schedules are often built and created in the same Order as the Scope of Works are listed on the Contract. However, sometimes when we are checking thins we want to display them in different order.
So you can now do this by
Location - Groups Tasks by the Location the Task Performed
Name - The Task Name in Alphabetical Order
Order - The Task Order that you set for the Cleaners to do the work in
Verification Type- List the tasks based on whether the team are required to Mark it Complete, Task a Photo or Tap a Waypoint.
Notify if not complete - Lists the Task that you have set to get Notifications when not completed.
Then you can obvioulsy surface these filters in a Ascending or Descending Order